Tuesday, November 29, 2011

For Liam

My dear baby boy,

We are so anxious to meet you. I didn't think I could love another baby, but I love you so much already. Who knew that my heart could hold so much love? It's filled to the brim and overflowing. I think of you and I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I feel so blessed that God chose me to be your mother. That he found me worthy enough to carry you and sustain you in my womb. These 37 weeks have flown by so fast. I remember seeing you on that screen when we first found out you were created and you were just a tiny little thing. Now, you barely have any room in there! I love feeling you move throughout the day, the way you respond to my touch. I dream of your face every night and I imagine holding your warm little body. We are unbelievably excited to meet you and welcome you into this world. Whenever you're ready little guy, mommy, daddy and your big brother Caleb are ready to shower you with love out here.


I have so much to be thankful for. I don't have the words to give justice to all the blessings that God has bestowed upon me.

*I thank HIM everyday for the life he's blessed me with. For a loving family, a wonderful husband, an awesome son & the miracle of life growing inside me. Every day I wake up I know is another blessing. Every breath another gift. I am undeserving of his LOVE, but he still loves me, perfectly and unconditionally.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Besides all the yummy food that puts me into a food coma every year, it's the overall feeling of gratitude and thankfulness that washes over me. It's the warm fuzzy feelings of families coming together to begin the holiday season.

This year we had a wonderful thanksgiving. My sister hosted it at her house and it was perfect. A house full of family, with kids running around, the sound of laughter and love filling every nook and cranny. It was perfect.

Thanksgiving also marked my 37th week of pregnancy. Another reason to be thankful. Full term. Blessed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

34 weeks!

I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow! 6 weeks left until due date and only 3 weeks until full term. If this little guy is anything like his older brother, he might just come into the world a little early. We're all so excited to meet him!

I'm counting down my days left at work, 10 to be exact! I'm exhausted and finding it harder and harder to get up in the morning. I'm also still waiting for that nesting to kick in because I have no energy whatsoever!

Jaclyn sent us the rest of our pictures and here are a couple of my most favorite. I can't wait until baby Liam is joining us for our family pictures. :)