Wednesday, December 5, 2012

8 days & counting..

Before my little Munchie turns 1. I keep saying it over and over, where did the time go? I feel like this has been the fastest year of my life. Life has been super busy but so fun & fulfilling. I am so blessed. Saturday we'll be celebrating Munchie's first birthday with a 'Munch'stache bash! I can't wait!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Half Birthdays

June 13th was Liam's half birthday! 6 Months! I can't believe how fast that flew by! I can't imagine life before this little guy. I was always apprehensive of having another child, I didn't think it was possible to love another child as much as I love Caleb. But it is true, your heart just gets bigger. I love him just as much as Caleb and I am enjoying watching him grow and fit into our family. He's changed so much in 6 months. He is the happiest baby I know. This kid is smiles all around, smiling in his sleep and smiling when he wakes up. I hope his temperament stays with him.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another year!

May 2nd, I turned 31. My 30th year was one of the best yet, we were blessed with one of the greatest gifts, Liam. It seems like time is just flying, weekends stay busy, whether it's spent out and about enjoying a sunny day or in the house in pj's, on the floor enjoying tummy time or watching endless amounts of yo gabba gabba. Every moment spent with my family is a moment that fills my heart to the brim. The memories we make together makes my life overflow with abundant blessings.

Monday, March 12, 2012

1 week left..

of being home with my lovey loves. I go back to work next Tuesday and I am SO sad. I can't even explain the anxiety I am going through right now knowing I have to leave my munchie to go back to work. Don't even get me started on the anxiety of knowing I have to leave him with someone else. If only money really grew on trees and health insurance was affordable. :*(

Friday, February 17, 2012

2 Months Old. Time flies when you're having a BLAST

Liam is two months old. That flew by amazingly fast!! He had his two month shots yesterday, heartbreaking. I think it's always harder for the parents than it is for the babies. He screamed his little lungs out when they put that first needle in and I had to blink my eyes hard to keep the tears from pouring. My poor baby, if he was old enough for a lolly, I would've treated him to one as big as his head. Instead, we lavished him with cuddles and love.

@ 2months old Liam weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 24 inches long. Good to know that Mommy's milk is doing his body good. :)

All gratuitous baby shots are on instagram. Lkristine7. <3