Friday, February 17, 2012

2 Months Old. Time flies when you're having a BLAST

Liam is two months old. That flew by amazingly fast!! He had his two month shots yesterday, heartbreaking. I think it's always harder for the parents than it is for the babies. He screamed his little lungs out when they put that first needle in and I had to blink my eyes hard to keep the tears from pouring. My poor baby, if he was old enough for a lolly, I would've treated him to one as big as his head. Instead, we lavished him with cuddles and love.

@ 2months old Liam weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 24 inches long. Good to know that Mommy's milk is doing his body good. :)

All gratuitous baby shots are on instagram. Lkristine7. <3