Monday, May 2, 2011

Hellllooo 30, I'm so excited to meet you!

Surprisingly, I took turning 30 pretty well. So far this has been one of my best birthdays so far. I have been so incredibly, abundantly and undeservingly blessed. I woke up this morning to a flood of love and birthday greetings via text, facebook and voicemail. My whole being is just radiating with love and blessings. I am so thankful and grateful for another year.

The best birthday present I got today was seeing our little bean on the ultrasound and seeing it's little heart beating on that screen, it was so incredibly amazing. Being pregnant is one of the most profound mysteries of life, you worry about everything cooking inside of your body which you have no control over. Every little twinge or pain feels like something could be wrong and just rains worry upon a mothers heart, but seeing our baby on the ultrasound really calmed me today. I have tried not to let my anxieties get the best of me and just know that God is taking care of me and my life. I know that I am just the vessel and I feel blessed knowing that.

This morning I woke Caleb up for school, and the first thing he says to me with his groggy, sleep filled eyes was "did you get my card mommy?" I looked on the kitchen table and saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card with "mom" written on it. It was the best thing ever! (A couple of weeks ago he was asking me what I wanted for my birthday and I told him hugs and kisses, he said "no mommy I want to buy you something" so I said I'd like flowers and a card.) My 6 year old son spent the whole day trying to make my birthday special. Our tradition for my birthday is to go to Chuck E Cheese, this year he said that he would pay for me to play and that if I got hungry, he would buy me something to eat. (This kid melts my heart) And you know what, he really did buy tokens with his own money. :) He said he would win me a prize. <3

And my husband, what can I say about that man. He spoils me. He tries his hardest to make me happy and make my wishes come true. I'd been wanting a macbook pro for awhile and I was saving up my money to purchase my own. My husband surprised me with one for my birthday! :) But in all honesty, it's not the material things I really enjoy for my birthday, it's the time and the love I feel. My favorite part of this weekend with my husband was going to watch Kevin Hart perform on Saturday night. I've never laughed so hard in my life. My face and my head hurt from laughing so hard.

This birthday weekend was just so amazing, from Saturday brunch with my ladies, (some who traveled 2 hours away just to celebrate with me) to a day full of nothing but relaxation. I am so thankful to have such amazing friends and family. I imagine my 30th year will be the best one yet. :) <3


  1. O-M-G!! Congrats on the pregnancy and belated Happy Birthday!

  2. Thanks!! We've only revealed it to close friends and family. Nobody knows about this blog, lol. So it's still a FB secret. LOL!

  3. He he, your secret is safe with me!!
